Frequently Asked Question

Interesting Facts About Crystal Classics

Last Updated 2 years ago

Some interesting facts about our business:

We are small, family owned business.

In 2022, we shipped over 69,000 packages.

In the last 30 years we have served over 1,500,000 individual customers.

We have shipped packages to many celebrities and all living former presidents, and we keep all our customers info very private.
We have never sold our mailing list to anyone.

From the time you place the order, to the moment we have a label placed on your package can be as little as 4 minutes!

In 2022, over 75% of our orders were delivered within two days, and 86% within three days of placing the order.

Most of the software we use has been created, designed, or at least modified in house.

We provide free lunch, and infinite snacks :) to all employees every day.

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