Caring for Your Waterford Crystal

Last Updated 3 years ago

Caring For Your Crystal

Because fine crystal and glassware require the gentlest of care to maintain their brilliance and integrity for years to come, we strongly recommend the following: Wash your fine crystal and glassware by hand in moderately hot water with a mild lemon detergent and 1/4 cup ammonia (to prevent spotting). Rinse in clean water and air dry on a rack. Cleaning the crystal in an automatic dishwasher may cause the crystal to lose brilliance; we recommend you avoid this. However, if the fine crystal and glassware must be machine washed, please follow these precautions:

  • Do not machine wash metal-accented crystal.
  • Use your dishwasher's "fine crystal and china" setting.
  • Because even the mildest brands of automatic dishwashing detergent are abrasive, use only half the recommended amount.
  • Lower the top dishwasher rack, if possible, to accommodate the height of your crystal, paying special attention to your stemware.
  • Make certain to space your crystal stemware on the rack so the pieces do not touch one another, since vibration during the washing and rinsing cycles can chip or crack the crystal.

For dishwashers without a "fine crystal and china" setting, turn on the "air-dry only" cycle and open the door to allow your crystal to air dry.Remember that fine crystal and glassware can crack or break when subjected to extremes of hot and cold. Before putting very warm food or liquid into a crystal container, we recommend you preheat the crystal with moderately hot tap water. Do not pour cold beverages into a pitcher or bowl that's just been washed with hot water. Likewise, do not wash a crystal piece that's just come out of the refrigerator; allow it to warm to room temperature first. Clean vases and decanters by filling them half-full with moderately hot water, a small amount of mild detergent, two tablespoons of white vinegar or ammonia and a cup of uncooked rice. Swirl the rice around for a few minutes to remove residue. Rinse well with moderately hot water and air dry, upside down, on a rack. Remove more stubborn stains by filling the container with warm water and dropping in a denture-cleaning tablet; let it sit until the stain disappears. Do not clean your fine crystal and glassware with scouring pads or abrasive cleaners. Always store your stemware upright to help prevent chipping.

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